The Blasted Experience: Strain Flavor and Quality

Ben Bott at Mills Nutrients Booth

Mac Daddy Royale

“One of the best tasting strains I’ve ever had”

Ben Bott – Mills Nutrients
| Mills Pays The Bills |
Ben from Tang Farms face next to Blasted Genetics banner alongside his quote regarding Blasted Genetics strains.

Mac Daddy Royale, Pez Mints

“The Blasted Genetics strains we tested, you can see where all of them sit high. When you look at the scale of other breeders, you’ll find notations this high are lucky”

Ben (Tang Farms, Canalytics)
Diamonds and Star Mints flowers on Woodward fine cannabis info flyer

Diamonds, Star Mints

“Blasted Genetics Diamonds and Star Mints are two of our top selling strains”

Tony (Firerock ltd, Woodward Fine Cannabis) Star Mints | Diamonds
guava mints buds and bong with purple water

Guava Mints

“Ground up it’s so dark it’s almost black.. I can’t recall anything else that changed my bong water like that”

Ryan: Customer from Canada
Modified Grape Stomper flower grown by Farmer Freeman

Modified Grape Stomper

“Easy to grow, beautiful buds and flavor true to name”

Jackson Farmer, M.S. | Farmer Freeman
German Flag background with testimonial text overlayed on top

Guava Mints

“I just want to tell, I was last summer in Groningen Netherlands and in one Shop was Guava Mints for Sale.  I Tell you I smoke for 20 years but that was absolut hell so I start looking for who that shit come from and so now its the time.  Thank you for what you do”

Tobias: Customer from Germany

Pez Mints

Absolute Feugo!”

Green Dragon | Foreign Genetics

Grow Journal Insights: Strain Flavor and Quality

grow diaries logo with grow your own tagline
bud builders logo with Making Friends, Growing cannabis tagline
MysticEpipedon | Slurricane Cream

Grow Journals – Experiences we found organically online!

pile of cannabis seeds
Dos Moteros logo

Pez Mints

“Absolute Feugo!”

Dos Moteros / Foreign Genetics
Modified Grape Stomper flower grown by Farmer Freeman

Modified Grape Stomper

“Easy to grow, beautiful buds and flavor true to name”

Jackson Farmer, M.S. / Farmer Freeman

Mac Daddy Royale

“One of the best tasting strains I’ve ever had”

Ben Bott / Mills Nutrients